What is Neatic?
Neatic (Natural eating with three ingredients checked) is a natural way of eating for well-being without a yo-yo effect. It is an alternative to standard diets in which only three ingredients are checked: flavors, sweeteners, and sugar.
Why just these three ingredients?
Flavors, sweeteners, and sugar confuse your body and make you eat more than you actually want.
How does Neatic work?
A glance at your food's ingredient list is enough. If flavors and sweeteners are found on this list, look for a substitute product that does not contain them. If sugar is found within the first three ingredients, limit your consumption.
What are typical goals of neatic?
- You eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full.
- You no longer think about calories.
- You eat less ultra-processed and more natural foods.
- You worry less about your diet.
- You enjoy your food.
- You have more energy for your everyday life.
- You enjoy eating out with friends or family.
- Weight loss is not the main focus, but you can certainly lose a few kilos.
How can you get started?
Take a look at the principles to get a quick overview of Neatic and its three simple principles. More information on the idea behind Neatic can be found on our blog and in the free eBook. Furthermore, we have a variety of recipes for you which are free of flavor and sweeteners and contain less or no sugar. In our gallery, you will find free-to-use images to watch and download.