Information on life with Neatic, the latest nutrition research, popular diets, and important nutrients.

Does tea reduce the risk of death and dementia?
Is drinking tea a strategy for dementia prevention and a longer life? The Neatic team studied the link between tea, mortality, and dementia risk in two studies.

Move More: Simple Ways to Add Movement to Your Day
Step by step to more movement. Learn here how to increase your daily activity and why it is important.

New year, new luck
Tired of breaking the same resolutions every year? Discover how to set effective goals and finally stick to them in the upcoming year!

3 tips to get relaxed through the Christmas season
Are you wondering how to stay relaxed during the Christmas season with Neatic? We have put together three tips to help you enjoy the festive season stress-free.

Does coffee reduce the risk of death and dementia?
Is coffee harmful or healthy? Two scientific studies by the Neatic team have investigated whether coffee drinking is associated with the risk of death and dementia.

Simple & delicious tips for a brunch with Neatic
Would you like a little break from everyday life? How about an invitation to a “breakfast and lunch” brunch?