5 minutes

10 minutes

0 minutes
resting time
You will need:
Lemon squeezer, strainer
Ingredients for the fruit punch
For 8 servings, 1 serving = approx. 250 ml (18 g of sugar)
1 l water
4 bags fruit tea
½ l apple juice
½ l grape juice
1 lemon
2 cinnamon sticks
6 – 8 cloves
1 pinch nutmeg

Step 1:
Bring 1 liter of water to the boil in a regular-sized pot. Add 4 tea bags of fruit tea and infuse according to the instructions. Then remove the tea bags.

Step 2:
Wash the lemon in hot water and cut in half. Keep one half for serving. Squeeze the other half and add the juice to the fruit tea pot with ½ liter of apple juice, ½ liter of grape juice, 2 cinnamon sticks, 6 – 8 cloves, and 1 pinch of nutmeg. Let the mixture boil, then turn off the heat and let everything simmer for 10 minutes.

Put the spices in a spice or tea bag, then you don’t have to strain everything at the end.
Step 3:
Cut the remaining lemon half into slices and add to the mugs/cups.
Pour the fruit punch through a sieve into the cups/mugs or directly into a thermos.