Major points
- The new year is approaching, and everyone around you is thinking about their New Year’s resolutions.
- Ask yourself four questions to find out how to choose and stick to your resolutions.
Neatic supports you if you want to make positive changes to your diet.
New year - new resolutions
It is the same every year. The year is coming to an end, and everyone around you starts thinking about resolutions for the new year. Many of these resolutions are related to fitness, diet, or health in general. It is no surprise that gyms benefit from a surge in new memberships at the beginning of the year.
A new year can be a great opportunity to reflect and consider how different areas of your life are going and whether you want to make any changes. You might now be wondering how to get started without finding yourself in the same position a year later, realizing that you did not achieve your resolutions. Answering the following four questions can help you with this:
Question 1: What have you already accomplished?
Think back over the last few years. Are there any changes you have already integrated into your life? These do not have to be major changes. Perhaps you have gotten into the habit of reading a few pages before bed or drinking your coffee without sugar. Make a list and write them down. You should be proud of these changes, no matter how small they may seem.
Question 2: What do you want to change?
Just because your friends have signed up for a Pilates class does not mean you will enjoy it too. Think about what you would like to change or newly integrate into your life. It is possible that the desire for change is not entirely tangible.
For example, if you want to incorporate more physical activity into your daily routine but are unsure what you enjoy, try out different things. Ride your bike to meet a friend, or make plans to go rollerblading. You could also try a salsa dance class. Think back to what you loved doing as a child and see if it still brings you joy today. You can get support from your friends and family – after all, it is always more fun to do exercise with others than alone.
Question 3: What goals are realistic?
Your new year resolution might be to go to the gym 5 times a week for 2 hours, stop eating sugar or walk everywhere. These are goals that sound great. But if you take a closer look, you will immediately realize that it can be quite difficult to achieve these goals. First you catch a cold and are disappointed because you have to miss the gym. Then you have a birthday party coming up and are invited to eat cake. Sitting there nibbling on a handful of almonds does not sound like fun. And if it is storming and raining outside, you will be reaching for the car keys faster than you can spell the word umbrella.
So think about realistic goals. Maybe you can manage to go to the gym once a week. Whether it is yoga, soccer or climbing is entirely up to you. Or you could consider only reducing but not stopping your sugar intake for the time being. Then it is still possible to go to a birthday party and eat a slice of cake. It is better to set yourself small goals and extend them once you have achieved them over a longer period of time. That way, you can be proud of what you have achieved and look forward to reaching the next goal.
If the goals are too big, you may be disappointed not to have achieved them and give up completely. The principle here is: less is more! If you manage to implement small changes in your life in the long term, then you have already achieved a great deal.
Question 4: What should you do when life gets in the way?
You have made the perfect plan. You are highly motivated, and everything has been going well for four weeks. What could possibly go wrong? Then, something unexpected happens, completely throwing your plans off course. That is life. It does not consider your carefully made plans – it simply happens. Now you have two options: give up and revert to old habits, or take a short break and get back on track once you are ready. You might even find that some good habits have become so ingrained that you maintain them even when life gets hectic.
What does Neatic recommend?
If you want to make changes in your diet, Neatic is the perfect program for you. Neatic is easy to implement. It does not require your entire life to revolve around your diet.
You do not need to wait until the new year to start with Neatic. You can begin now.
Neatic wishes you and your loved ones a happy new year and a great start!