The most frequently asked questions about Neatic.

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The ingredient list and nutritional information can be found on the back of the packaging. For food from market stalls and from the meat or cheese counter in the supermarket, you can ask for this information. Sometimes it is displayed on the counter. For supermarkets with a delivery service or restaurant chains, you can view this information on the website.

Your food contains ingredients that are further specified in brackets. The rule is that everything in the bracket belongs to the ingredient in front of it.

Here is an example for you:

A dessert contains the following ingredients: curd, yogurt, fruit preparation (strawberries, honey), modified starch.

The third ingredient in this example is the fruit preparation. As it contains a sugar signal word in the bracket, i.e., honey, it is a high-sugar food and the sugar must be tracked in Neatic.

No, Neatic is not another low-carb diet.

Neatic limits all mono- and disaccharides that are added to food during production, including table sugar, glucose, and fructose, as well as sugars that are naturally present in honey, syrups, fruit juices, and fruit juice concentrate.

So far, it doesn’t really sound any different than a low-carb diet, does it?

The big difference is that Neatic does not limit the consumption of complex carbohydrates in cereals (e.g. wheat, spelt, rye, barley, oats, rice, maize, millet), pulses (e.g. beans, peas, peanuts, lentils), and potatoes. The consumption of bread, rolls, pasta, and mashed potatoes is also not restricted in Neatic.

The consumption of fruit is possible without restrictions as long as it is eaten in its edible entirety. By “edible entirety” Neatic means that all edible components are eaten completely, e.g. an apple with the peel or eating an orange whole instead of squeezing it.

Dried fruit can also be eaten in Neatic without restrictions, as long as no sugar has been added during the processing.

Homemade smoothies can be consumed as long as all edible components of the fruit have been processed.

No, you don’t.

Neatic is all about nutrition. However, you can still support the effects of Neatic by exercise.

In their spare time, people exercise less and sit more in front of computers, tablets, smartphones, game consoles, and streaming services. Watching your favorite show after a stressful day is pure relaxation. Of course, you should not miss this feeling. But a better balance is important!

Many people have a gym membership to increase their level of exercise. Neatic defines this as “artificial” exercise since it is squeezed into your daily schedule in addition to being tied to locations, days of the week, and times of the day. This can be quite stressful and feel unnatural!

If you enjoy this type of exercise, you will benefit because you can do it long-term. Neatic just wants to point out that “artificial” exercise can be frustrating for many people and has a high dropout risk.

If you are one of those people and don’t enjoy “artificial” exercise, that’s perfectly okay. In this case, Neatic recommends that you rather invest in “natural” exercise.

But what is “natural” exercise and how can it be integrated into everyday life?

By “natural” exercise, Neatic means your everyday physical activity. This includes walking, riding your bike, or taking the stairs. Even the way to the coffee machine is “natural” exercise.

Firstly, you should determine the amount of time you spend in front of a screen each day. A stopwatch app or screen time app can help you with this.

Then you can try the following idea:

Spend at least as much time each day on “natural” exercise as you do in front of a screen in your spare time.

So it’s not about getting rid of all leisure screen time, but about restoring the balance between it and “natural” exercise.

It will be hard at the beginning. Perhaps you will be surprised by your low physical performance level. But this will improve with time, without you having to do “artificial” exercise.

Neatic has no objection to low alcohol consumption. “Low” means a daily amount of, for example, 0.125 l of wine or 0.33 l of beer. This amount contains energy but does not automatically lead to weight problems.

Heavy alcohol consumption, on the other hand, endangers your health and can significantly shorten your life!

You should also be aware that alcoholic mixed drinks often contain added flavors, sweeteners, and sugar. In addition, alcoholic drinks with more than 1.2 percent by volume can hide these three taste seducers very well since they do not have to declare their ingredients. For example, a caramel-flavored cream liqueur often contains sugar and added flavor.

Sometimes you will find the term “flavored” drink on the packaging. Then the product certainly does not meet the Neatic principles!

Neatic has a very clear opinion on smoking: Smoking is harmful, no matter the dose!

Smoking promotes diseases like heart attack, stroke, and lung cancer, and shortens your life expectancy by many years.

Giving up smoking is one of the best measures for a long and healthy life. And who doesn’t want to grow old healthily?

Flavor enhancers such as glutamate play no role in Neatic.

The amino acid glutamate is added to dishes as a flavor enhancer and triggers the taste umami. Alongside sweet, sour, salty, and bitter, umami is the fifth taste. The word umami is Japanese and can be translated as “savory”. Added glutamate enhances the intensity of various flavors and can also mask a bland taste of food. However, compared to flavors, sweeteners, and sugar, glutamate plays a rather minor role. It has been used in Asian cuisine for over 100 years without any relevant side effects!

Glutamate is hidden behind many ingredient names, such as glutamate, E620 to E625, yeast extract, seasoning, grained broth, wheat protein, maltodextrin, dry milk product, fermented wheat, and vegetable protein. So it’s not so easy to identify glutamate on the ingredient list.

It doesn’t hurt to avoid glutamate, but it’s not necessary in Neatic!

Restricting flavors, sweeteners, and sugars is already challenging enough.

In any case, foods that are naturally high in glutamate do not need to be restricted. These include various vegetables (e.g., green beans, tomatoes), dairy products (e.g., whole milk, Parmesan cheese), meat products (e.g., cutlets, steak), and nuts (e.g., walnuts).

No, you don’t.

In contrast to people who eat everything (omnivores), an increasing number of people adopt a meat-free diet (vegetarians) or avoid animal products altogether (vegans). The reasons are often ethical. Animals should not be killed or exploited for food. Neatic respects this attitude! For Neatic, it does not matter if your diet is omnivorous, vegetarian, or vegan. All these diets may contain flavors, sweeteners, and sugar. If so, they contradict the Neatic principles.

Omnivore, vegetarian, or vegan – Neatic is for everyone!

No, you don’t.

“Organic” sounds super healthy, and many people look for the organic label when shopping. But why?

The difference to non-organic food lies in the following criteria:

  1. They must not be genetically modified in the EU.
  2. Synthetic-chemical pesticides, artificial fertilizers, or sewage sludge are prohibited.
  3. Animals must be kept in a manner appropriate to their species.

Ethical aspects often play a role. Neatic respects this attitude. But even organic food can contain masses of flavors, sweeteners, and sugar. So you should also check the ingredient list before buying organic food!

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